Green Living, Clean Living: The Secret Benefits of Using Produce Wash

Green Living, Clean Living: The Secret Benefits of Using Produce Wash

What does it mean to live healthy?

For some, it’s about diet. For others, it’s exercise. Some focus more on their mental health, and swear by mindful habits like yoga and meditation. Others still are more concerned with spiritual health. And of course, there are many of us who believe in a combination of the aforementioned.

But within each of these potentially beneficial life choices lies the possibility to bring in other problems. 

Exercise too much and you can deplete your energy and damage your sleep. Spend too much time focusing on mindfulness and you may neglect some critical obligations. And try to eat too many healthy foods, you may be unwittingly adding additional chemicals into your diet.

It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots between a healthy diet and a healthy life. And choosing organic and sustainable products becomes even more important when we consider this holistic approach to health. But even the freshest-looking fruits and vegetables can harbor unwanted surprises. Dirt, debris, and even potential contaminants can lurk on produce, regardless of whether it's organic or conventionally grown. 

The good news? There's a simple, safe, and effective way to ensure a truly clean eating experience: using a natural produce wash.

Why you should clean your produce,

no matter what.

The pandemic was, for many, their first time thinking consciously about rinsing all fruit, veg, and other foodstuffs that entered their home. Before then, it had seemed somehow OCD, or the habit of the paranoid.

But there’s scientific backing behind why this is such a good practice to have. And the FDA recommends following this practice regardless of the source. Because even if you prioritize buying organic fruits and vegetables, they can still harbor dirt, bacteria, and even insect residue left behind from the growing process.  Conventionally grown produce, on the other hand, may have traces of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals used in agriculture. These contaminants can pose health risks, especially for young children whose bodies are still developing. 

Rinsing with plain water can help remove some surface dirt, but it's often not enough. Here's where a saponin-based produce wash comes in – a natural and safe solution to ensure your family enjoys truly clean produce.

The Power of Saponin: Nature's Gentle Cleanse

Saponin is a natural wonder found in various plants, including soapberries! It acts as a gentle cleanser without the harsh chemicals found in many commercial cleaning products. 

Think of saponin as tiny bubbles that attract and lift away dirt, debris, and even pesticide residue from the surface of your fruits and vegetables. This cleaning power comes from a scientific phenomenon called surfactants. Essentially, saponin molecules break down the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate crevices and remove contaminants more effectively.

The Benefits of Using a

Saponin-Based Produce Wash

Safety is paramount when it comes to what we feed our families. A saponin-based produce wash offers a safe alternative to chemical washes, making it a perfect choice for households with children. 

But safety isn't the only benefit. 

As saponin is 100% natural, it won’t affect the taste or smell of your food. By removing the impurities and grime, you’re left with the natural scent and deliciousness without any chemical corruption. 

Due to being gentle, it’s also a great cleaner for softer, more porous foods like strawberries and peaches which are often harder to clean than tougher foods like apples and potatoes.

A quick how to

Before you wash any produce, ensure your hands and any surfaces the produce will touch are clean. The last thing you want is to recontaminate clean produce by placing it on a dirty kitchen counter.

Then simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Before washing, cut off any damaged or bruised areas on the produce.

  2. Wash the produce under running water, removing any dirt. Even if you plan to remove the peel, it’s best to clean the fruit or vegetable with the peel still on, as bacteria can transfer from the knife or peeler to the produce.

  3. Dry produce with a clean kitchen towel or paper towel.

For firm-skinned produce like potatoes or melons, you can use a clean, soap-free scrub brush to help remove dirt.

Depending on the type of produce, you may want to wait to wash it until you’re ready to eat it. Washing delicate vegetables and fruits (like leafy greens or berries) too early can promote bacterial growth, leading to spoilage and a shorter shelf life.

What next?

Taking a simple step like using a saponin-based produce wash can significantly enhance your family's journey towards clean eating and a healthy lifestyle. 

By harnessing the power of nature, you can ensure your fruits and vegetables are free from unwanted contaminants, all while supporting sustainable practices.  Ready to experience the 'Green Living, Clean Living' difference?  

Try our produce wash today and taste the difference for yourself!  

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