Seed Legend skin detox exfoliator gentle for sensitive skin

Five Benefits of Exfoliation

Exfoliation has been a hot topic for a while, but it’s absolutely one of our favorite skin care steps. If you’ve been thinking about adding exfoliation to your routine, or just need a reminder to exfoliate regularly, this is for you: we’ve gathered our five top benefits of exfoliation!

1. Unclog Pores

Pores are clogged when dead skin cells and other gunk seals off the pores, leading to a buildup of oils under the skin’s surface. These blocked pores can then turn into stubborn whiteheads and blackheads, and cause breakouts. Exfoliation helps remove surface dead skin and other debris that can get stuck to your skin even after a normal cleansing! It’s a proactive way to prevent pores from being clogged.

2. Boost Circulation

The action of rubbing your skin with an exfoliant can help increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the area, as well as stimulating lymphatic drainage! This helps to improve the health of skin and make it appear glowy and radiant.

3. Even Skin Tone

For people dealing with textured scars and hyperpigmentation, exfoliation is extremely beneficial to help slough off dead skin that emphasizes the appearance of scars and hyperpigmentation.

4. Makes Other Products More Effective

By removing a layer of dead skin cells on the surface, unclogging pores, and revealing fresh new skin, exfoliation can make other skin care products you use more effective! Dead skin can be a barrier to allowing your skin care products to penetrate your skin, and the deeper into your skin these products can get, the more effective they are.

5. Helps Boost Glow

All of the benefits of exfoliation all come together ultimately to help you get glowing, radiant skin! By helping to prevent acne, making skin tone appear even, and removing dull skin cells, exfoliation can really help lots of people see major improvements in their skin.

Our gentle exfoliator is made with only 6 natural ingredients! It conditions your sebum, and cleanses and tightens pores all without the use of harsh chemicals or fragrance (which most other exfoliants contain). Try our plant based Luminous Foaming Exfoliator and experience the results!

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